Extraordinary Conversion Story...

Any excuse to use a Caravaggio eh? I found this conversion story on Facebook . I found lots of parallels with what she experiences in the Mass and Scott Hahn's description of what he experienced. The bit that really caught my attention was this: "We were actually a group of goddess worshiping pagans and I was a priestess. I was a leader in the community. I taught classes, wrote songs, led rituals, the whole shebang. And for those of you who don't believe in these sorts of things, I was able to do all sorts of unbelievable things, like mild prognostication and other creepy stuff. The allure of these "gifts" is such that I will not go into details. Suffice it to say, my group was astonished that anyone would be willing to give up such power. One of the most chilling comments during my "confession" to my group was from the group leader, "There's a reason we used to kill oath breakers." Have a read and see what you think: By Chr...