Truth and Tolerance

I am re-reading one of the most formative theological works I ever studied, Ratzinger's Truth and Tolerance . Fundamentally, the work considers whether truth is knowable, and, if we know the truth, whether we must then hide it in the name of tolerance? In the book, Ratzinger outlines the timeless teaching of the Magisterium in language that resonates with our embattled culture. A work of extreme sensitivity, understanding, and spiritual maturity, this book was essential in helping me understand the value and contribution of other faiths and cultures in the context of belief in Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation for the world. Just picking up the book and reading the preface reminded me of how important this work is and how much I need to re-read it now. A quote from the preface might help you to see for yourself: The question of the peacefulness of cultures, of peace in matters of religion, has also moved up to become a political theme of the first ran...