Wet response of English & Welsh Bishops to Roe vs Wade Overturned

Finally, after much prompting, The Catholic Bishops have published something about the overturning of Roe vs Wade 4 days ago. Celebrities , politicians and the media have been decrying the ruling for days now and the bishops have said nothing. The reaction serves to demonstrate how woeful and inadequate their approach to this essential, pre-eminent issue of our times, continues to be. They love shouting about non-controversial issues like climate change and illegal immigrants, but always fail when it comes to the things they should be focused on. The only individual comment I spotted was from Bishop Egan: Fantastic news about the overturning of Roe v. Wade - a real opportunity for the promotion of life in the US. It gives new heart to our campaigns here. pic.twitter.com/82KO4A9EJ6 — Bishop Philip Egan (@BishopEgan) June 25, 2022 Given the massive victory this constitutes for the pro-life cause, how can our bishops say so little? It was left to Westminster Auxiliary Bishop John Sher...