
Showing posts from August, 2022

It walks like a duck, it talks like a duck, but it is the pope?

  I came across this on Twitter the other day and thought it was extraordinary on reflection. I'm from Buenos Aires so I've known all about him longer than most people. I tried to warn people that he was bad news nine years ago but people didn't want to listen. Now, here we are. — 🇦🇷 Daniella M Pavlick 🇺🇸 (@DMendoza1978) August 24, 2022 Back on the day when Pope Francis was elected, a lot of Catholics I know reported a feeling of dread, fear, or revulsion. On that day, Rorate Caeli posted this short article by an Argentine conservative only hours after his election. It seems incredible looking back that everything, every single word that man wrote was absolutely correct. The image is so appropriate on its own. How many times have we seen the Pope behave in this way since his election? It seeks to send a very public message of humility, but how can in not also transmit a message that all religions have equal validity? Faith and morals mean nothing to Bergoglio - he has...

A Pope at War with the Mass

Dr. Joseph Shaw, the LMS Chairman, has  been given sight of a letter of refusal from  the Dicastery of Divine Worship, which alone has the authority to permit priests ordained after  Traditionis custodes  to celebrate the Traditional Mass. It has become clear that the Dicastery is systematically refusing to do so, even though requests are coming not from individual priests, but their bishops.  Dr. Shaw posted a portion of the letter on his blog and at Rorate Caeli . He suspects any others would be substantially identical: …this Dicastery is of the opinion that this [permission] would not be an opportune decision. Therefore, we deny the request. The path established by the Holy Father in  Traditionis custodes  is quite clear and this has been underscored both in the “Letter to Bishops of the Whole World” which accompanied the Motu proprio and in the  Responsa ad dubia  of this Dicastery, which were personally approved by the Holy Father. In t...

Bishop Barron on Biden

Bishop Robert Barron has only been a diocesan bishop for a month, but, on August 5th, he used his Word on Fire media platform to wade in to perhaps the most controversial ecclesial argument in the US Church; that of Eucharistic coherence . I say controversial, but of course, it really shouldn't be. It is blindingly obvious where the Church stands on the issue and what she teaches. This argument is also obvious in natural law and reason. But Pope Francis himself has made the issue controversial by very personal interventions against US bishops who are standing up for the integrity of Church teaching by upholding it. Most notably, Archbishop Cordileone . In an extraordinarily vicious move by the Argentinian Pontiff who talks a lot about devolving power to bishops , while, in truth, running one of the most restrictive Pontificates in history, undermined the Archbishop's authority, by receiving Pelosi in the Vatican after Archbishop Cordileone banned her from receiving Holy Commun...

Architects of Apathy

If you ever wondered why Catholicism, once the faith of British intellectual elites like Newman, Tolkien, Belloc, Chesterton and Muggeridge, became something so hated and maligned in our culture, you only have to look at the silent "teachers", our bishops and British Catholics with a platform like Catherine Pepinster.  Pepinster was the first female editor of The Tablet in the newspaper's 176-year history. In 2017 she published the book The Keys and the Kingdom: The British and the Papacy from John Paul II to Francis . Pepinster would be the first to admit she has problems with some areas of Church teaching, and The Tablet has long been a forum for such discussions to take place. Although I personally welcome such discussions (I see them as the place where evangelisation takes place in the present cultural milieu), I do feel it is essential that we are properly informed about the issues. I would argue that while The Tablet has been a place where this has been discussed...

Sandi Toksvig takes the ABC down a peg or two...

Thank goodness someone else has noticed the dishonesty & hypocrisy in the comments of Atheists like Sandi Toksvig – who believes neither in God nor in sin ( see here ) - and yet has the audacity to complain that a recent meeting of Anglican “bishops” has (yet again) fudged the issue of the sinfulness of homosexual genital acts. She also claims that because she has received hate mail from some lunatics that this is all Welby’s fault. So she will never go into a church again. (Not that she did before.)  ,,, And she will scream & scream until she is sick! Gareth Roberts in The Spectator writes : Has Justin Welby met his match in Sandi Toksvig? The entertainer has sent an open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, complaining about his attempts to compromise with African bishops and avoid a showdown at the Lambeth Conference on the issue of same-sex marriage. The gist of it is: ‘Even though I don’t believe in God, I’m rarely going to attend my local church again’. This...

Living the Faith, The Way of Beauty & Pope Francis

 These things and more I discuss in my latest chat with Katherine Bennett: