She's Here!

Today has been one of those days you never forget. Not only has it been the opening day of the games of the 30th Olympiad in London, our capital city, hosting the games for an unprecedented third time, it has also, and for us, much more importantly, been the day our long dreamed of and anticipated and hoped for daughter, Mary Therese, was born. At 08:51 this morning she arrived after a great deal of prayer and nervousness. She is perfect, weighing in at 8lb & 1oz, with a little blond hair and just the hint of a curl. She represents so much for us: without doubt the answer of a deeply spoken prayer, but also the missing piece of our family. Mary is not Ruth, but we have no doubt that she will bring great healing to our family, each of us miss Ruth so much in so many ways. Mary Therese is also a sign of great blessing, and for this we are grateful. The timing is also auspicious, she joins us just after John's birthday-so she has her own special day- and just before Ruth's anniversary. We look forward to introducing her to you all, but in the meantime, here are some pictures to enjoy!

Not long born, Lou admires her handiwork
Louise was unbelievable today. She is so amazing, such an incredible woman, I love her with every fibre and I feel so incredibly lucky to be her husband. She is an amazing mum, more than any man could wish for in a wife, and my very best friend ever in the world.

Father & Daughter

Her first trip—Ready to leave hospital

Meeting Auntie Norah and cousins Lizzie & Martha

With a proud big brother, Michael

With a delighted cousin—Lizzie

John who is excited to now be a big brother and no longer the youngest!

Meeting Nanny & Martha
Snoozing in safe hands with William.

"Naked I came from my mother's womb,
naked I shall return again.
The LORD Giveth, and the LORD taketh away.
Blessed be the name of the LORD."
—Job 1:21

Some of what I currently feel can be summed up like this:

And these two songs, which were my special songs about Ruth, and have pained me so much over the last three years, but suddenly, today I want to listen to them again:


  1. Mark, what beautiful photos! I am sure she will bring you all great joy.


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