Asking CAFOD to be Catholic

I posting this as James at Catholic & Loving it has asked for others to take up the call to promote a petition to the CAFOD Chairman, Bishop John Arnold. The reason for the petition is that Cafod are promoting the IF campaign whose supporters include organisations that support abortion.

Shockingly, this campaign is being promoted by CAFOD in Catholic schools, kids in Catholic schools are going on that website and clicking 'who we are'. Those kids are being lead to logos and links of organisations that promote or support abortion.

There is no reason at all for CAFOD to do this. There are plenty of ways so fight poverty and support overseas development without promoting these organisations.

Stefan Giles has put together a petition to Cafod chairman Bishop John Arnold.

It simply reads as follows:

To: His Lordship Right Reverend John Arnold, Auxiliary Bishop - CAFOD Chairman 
End the promotion of corporations supporting abortion. 
[Your name]

I join with James in asking if would sign it, and promote it.

Stefan Giles also posts some extremely worrying observations on the comments of James' blog above you might be interested in!


  1. Have you seen this link which is entitled 'Contributing to Cafod is a sin'. The Christian Order are extreme but all the points are valid.

    If you click on the links to James' blog and click on the Cafod tag there are other worrying stories.

    Keep up the good work.


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