So That's Where Caroline Farey is!

This morning, Deacon Nick Donnelly announced on his blog the exciting news that a new Centre of Formation for the New Evangelisation has been established by some of the staff who recently resigned their positions at Maryvale in Birmingham. 

Dr Petroc Willey, Dr Andrew Beards, and Dr Caroline Farey have embarked on a new adventure, calling their centre the School of the Annunciation. It is based in the grounds of Buckfast Abbey in Devon, thanks to the generosity and collaboration of the Abbot of Buckfast, the Rt. Rev. David Charlesworth and the monastic community. The School of the Annunciation will begin by offering a Diploma in the New Evangelisation as well as short Summer Schools which it is hoped will provide a unique opportunity to study the Catholic Faith in the beautiful setting of Buckfast Abbey, sharing the monastic community’s life and prayer over long summer weekends in August. I have to say it sounds idyllic!

Deacon Nick himself is the Director of Formation, responsible for formation programmes and spiritual elements of the courses. 

This news ends a period of speculation about where the highly esteemed academic leaders of the Archdiocese of Birmingham's Maryvale Institute would end up. Indeed, the title of this blog post is inspired by a number of searches which have brought readers to my blog over the last few weeks.

I hope all readers will join me in praying for the success of this venture and that it will bring Christ's light into our country which remains very much in need of the "New Evangelisation".

It is interesting to note the endorsement of the new bishop of Plymouth, Rt. Revd Mark O'Toole, who is quoted on the website as saying:
“I am delighted to welcome this new initiative for the New Evangelisation at Buckfast Abbey, and I am grateful for the generosity shown by Abbot David and the Monastic community in providing it a home and direction. The Diocese of Plymouth looks forward to working with the School of the Annunciation so that the Gospel may more effectively be preached in our society.”
With the support and endorsement of both Bishop O'Toole, and the Rt Rev. David Charlesworth, Abbot of Buckfast Abbey, one has to see this as a fantastic opportunity for the School of the Annunciation to become an important centre to develop and foster Catholic leadership and take it out to the rest of the country.


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