Pope Enigma

Pope Francis seems to be an enigma to some people. Many journalists who are no friends of the Catholic Church praise him and claim he is likely to change Church Doctrine on Christian Marriage because of some of his remarks to journalists - which are then selectively quoted (especially the "Who am I to judge" remark).

But he also says that he is a faithful son of the Church.

His faithfulness and orthodoxy were reiterated to me by Cardinal Pell when I met him at Buckfast earlier this month for the foundation Mass and celebrations for the School of The Annunciation.

Those who are campaigning to change the Church's teaching on Marriage, Homosexuality, Abortion and Contraception perhaps need to be aware of the following:

1. Letter of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, to the Carmelite Nuns of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires (June 22, 2010) asking for their prayers and sacrifices against the Argentinian Same Sex "Marriage" Law

Dear Sisters,
I write this letter to each one of you in the four Monasteries of Buenos Aires. The Argentine people must face, in the next few weeks, a situation whose result may gravely harm the family. It is the bill on matrimony of persons of the same sex.
The identity of the family, and its survival, are in jeopardy here: father, mother, and children. The life of so many children who will be discriminated beforehand due to the lack of human maturity that God willed them to have with a father and a mother is in jeopardy. A clear rejection of the law of God, engraved in our hearts, is in jeopardy.
I recall words of Saint Thérèse when she speaks of the infirmity of her childhood. She says that the envy of the Devil tried to extort her family after her older sister joined the Carmel. Here, the envy of the Devil, through which sin entered the world, is also present, and deceitfully intends to destroy the image of God: man and woman, who receive the mandate to grow, multiply, and conquer the earth. Let us not be naive: it is not a simple political struggle; it is an intention [which is] destructive of the plan of God. It is not a mere legislative project (this is a mere instrument), but rather a "move" of the father of lies who wishes to confuse and deceive the children of God.
Jesus tells us that, in order to defend us from this lying accuser, he will send us the Spirit of Truth. Today, the Nation [patria], before this situation, needs the special assistance of the Holy Ghost that may place the light of Truth amid the shadows of error; it needs this Advocate who may defend us from the enchantment of so many sophisms with which this bill is being justified, and which confuse and deceive even people of good will.
That is why I turn to you and ask from you prayer and sacrifice, the two invincible weapons which Saint Thérèse confessed to have. Cry out to the Lord that he may send his Spirit to the Senators who are to place their votes. That they may not do it moved by error or by circumstantial matters, but rather according to what the natural law and the law of God tell them. Pray for them, for their families; that the Lord may visit, strengthen, and console them. Pray that they may do great good for the Nation.
This bill will be discussed in the Senate after July 13. Let us look towards Saint Joseph, to Mary, the Child, and let us ask with fervor that they will defend the Argentine family in this moment. Let us recall what God himself told his people in a time of great anguish: "this war is not yours, but God's". That they may succour, defend, and accompany us in this war of God.
Thank you for what you will do in this struggle for the Nation. And, please, I beg you, pray for me also. May Jesus bless you, and may the Blessed Virgin protect you.
Card. Jorge Mario Bergoglio s.j., Archbishop of Buenos Aires


So, the-then Cardinal Bergoglio described Same Sex "Marriage" as diabolically inspired.

2. Pro-abortion Argentinian feminists burn effigy of Pope Francis - November 24th, 2013.

It seems that the pro-abortion feminists in Argentina do not regard Pope Francis as an ally for their campaigns.

After unsuccessfully trying to get into the Cathedral, the women burned a human-sized effigy of Pope Francis. “If the pope were a woman, abortion would be legal,” they shouted.

The attack took place on Sunday, November 24th during the National Women’s Encounter, which annually brings together Argentinean feminists who support “women’s rights.”

H/T http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/horror-mob-of-topless-pro-abort-feminists-attacks-rosary-praying-men-defend

3. Pope Francis has chosen to beatify Pope Paul VI at the end of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family.

Pope Francis signed a decree May 9 recognising a miracle attributed to the intercession of Pope Paul, who led the church from 1963 to 1978, and authorised publication of the Oct. 19 beatification date, according to a Vatican statement May 10.

The miracle involved the birth of a baby in California in the 1990s. The family's name and city have not been released, but according to news reports, a pregnant woman whose life was at risk along with the life of her baby was advised by doctors to terminate the pregnancy. Instead she sought prayers from an Italian nun who was a family friend. The nun placed a holy card with Pope Paul's photograph and a piece of his vestment on the woman's belly.

The baby was born healthy. For Pope Paul's sainthood cause, physicians continued monitoring the child's health up to the age of 12 and everything was normal.

Pope Paul's connection with the themes expected to be raised at the synod on the family Oct. 5-19 include the encyclical for which is he is most known, "Humanae Vitae." The 1968 encyclical, usually described as a document affirming the church's prohibition against artificial contraception, places that conclusion in the the context of Catholic teaching on the beauty and purpose of marriage, married love and procreation.

H/T http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/1401936.htm

4. Cordoba, Spain, Sep 25, 2014 / 02:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Amid widespread reports that Pope Francis might open the door to Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried, a Spanish bishop says the Pope told him that this scenario is not possible.

Bishop Demetrio Fernandez of Cordoba, Spain said that during his ad limina visit to the Vatican earlier this year, the Holy Father told him that “the Pope cannot change” what Jesus Christ has instituted.

H/T http://www.patheos.com/blogs/catholicnews/2014/09/spanish-bishop-pope-says-he-will-not-change-communion-rule/

I think it is fair to conclude that the Holy Spirit did not abandon the Cardinals when they elected Pope Francis. If you are worried, you are listening to too much gossip!

The tongue of the scandalmonger is like the worm which gnaws at the good fruit --- that is, the best actions that people do --- and tries to turn them all to bad account. The tongue of the scandalmonger is a grub which taints the most beautiful of the flowers and upon them leaves behind it the disgusting trace of its own slime.- St. John Vianney


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