On The Destiny of Humanity: The Meaning of Marriage

This video is truly beautiful.

I've said before that despite all my mistakes in life the one truly good thing I managed to do was to hold on to a true, Catholic understanding of marriage. I went into my marriage with utter commitment, to build a family and to be together always. To smile and suffer together, to sacrifice whatever needed sacrificing for this woman.

Being married changed me. It added Louise's femininity to my masculinity in a way that rounded my rough edges; formed me for parenthood; it added to my whole in a way which could not have been achieved without that singular unification which we call marriage.

Society tries hard today to diminish this institution today in so many ways, but the fundamental truth of our complimentary is integral to our very being and a part of the universe that surrounds us.

There are some beautiful illustrations and deep understanding of that complimentary and unity here; especially like the couple that say "mathematically 1 + 1 = 2, but spiritually 1 + 1 = 1"

Well worth watching! Enjoy:


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