The Missionary Option

The School of the Annunciation are holding a Guild Day this Saturday, 31st January at St. Patrick's, 21a Soho Square, London W1D 4NR. This will present an excellent opportunity to spend a day deepening your faith and networking with other Catholics.

The day will constitute a conference on the New Evangelisation with the wonderful Bishop Philip Egan of the Diocese of Portsmouth as keynote speaker. Bishop Egan will present a discourse on Evangelii Gaudium, 27. A particularly interesting paragraph of Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation as it speaks of the indispensable contribution to ecclesial renewal made by mission.

This may come as a surprise to many Catholics and others who read the news headlines, as opposed the Pope's actual words. He has been quoted as saying that he “doesn’t want to convert Evangelicals”, although, as usual, once one reads behind the report of a remembered conversation someone had with the Pope, we find a different story.

In any case, I think Bishop Egan will most likely concentrate on Pastoral Mission in the light of the New Evangelisation (as he detailed here). His focus appears to motivating us all to become newly aware of our mission to bring others to Christ. This is especially pertinent in the current climate where so many people do not understand their own role in mission; that is, rooted in their baptism and their role as priest, prophet and king. Bishop Egan has invested in the laity in his own diocese through a series of Called and Gifted workshops which encourage people to think about their own talents and gifts, for example: intercessory prayer - (part of priestly mission).

There will also be opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and Holy Mass through the day. I have been asked to tweet for the School of The Annunciation for the day, so even if you can't make it, you will be able to follow everything that is happening on Twitter by following @OfAnnunciation


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