Archbishop Fisichella to speak on Pope Francis at the School of the Annunciation, Buckfast Abbey

The Most Reverend Archbishop Rino Fisichella will be speaking on ‘A new phase of Evangelisation in the thought of Pope Francis’ at the School of the Annunciation: Centre for the New Evangelisation, Buckfast Abbey, on Wednesday 25th March, at 10 am. 

All are welcome- Admission is free! 

Archbishop Rino Fisichella will also preside at the celebration of Mass for the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord at 12 noon in the Abbey Church, and again, all are welcome to this celebration. 

Archbishop Fisichella is the President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, responsible for fostering a ‘renewed missionary impulse’, especially among ‘Churches of ancient origin’. (Pope Benedict XVI, Ubicumque et Semper, 2010). Archbishop Fisichella’s address will be delivered at the Schiller Hall, St Cuthbert’s Conference Centre, Buckfast Abbey. 
There is ample free parking on-site For further details see the website  

Tel: 01364 645660 

Directions: St Cuthbert’s Conference Centre, Buckfast Abbey, Northwood Lane, Buckfast TQ11 0EG


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