In support of our priests, our families, and our Church

Today, this blog and others are taking part in a somewhat unprecedented event. This post is going to appear on a good number of lay blogs in the UK, in an attempt to demonstrate the depth of support among the laity, for authentic Catholic teaching as expressed in the Magisterial teachings of the Catholic Church.

You may have seen the recent letter from more than 450 priests in support of the Church’s teaching on marriage.

We would like to invite you to sign the letter below, to be sent to the press in support of them, and to encourage others to sign it.

To sign, please leave your name and your diocese in the comments box below, or if you prefer email them to me or to one of the coordinators:
Mark Lambert ( or Andrew Plasom-Scott (

We hope to demonstrate a groundswell of support for the priests who have stood firmly by us and Christ, a love of the Church, and a desire for sound doctrine and catechesis.

The Letter:

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned, wish to endorse and support the letter signed by over 450 priests in the recent edition of the Catholic Herald.

As laity, we all know from our own family experiences, or those of our friends and neighbours, the harrowing trauma of divorce and separation, and we sympathise with all those in such situations.

It is precisely for that reason that we believe that the Church must continue to proclaim the truth about marriage, given us by Christ in the Gospels, with clarity and charity in a world that struggles to understand it.

For the sake of those in irregular unions, for the sake of those abandoned and living in accordance with the teachings of the Church, and above all for the sake of the next generation, it is essential that the Church continues to make it quite clear that sacramental marriage is indissoluble until death.

We pray, and expect, that our hierarchy will represent us, and the Church’s unwavering teaching, at the Synod this autumn.

Yours faithfully,


  1. Angela Perera currently Gibraltar but originally of Liverpool archdiocese. (Hope I can still sign)

  2. I have e-mailed you with my details. May I, please, copy this post to my own blog as an endorsement and assist further exposure?

    1. Please do Patricius, that would be great!

  3. I am heartened and comforted to see the public witness of nearly 500 courageous priests in England &Wales, to the perennial teaching of the Church on marriage and family. We must do more to help our Christian people learn to live the great gift of the Sacrament of Matrimony, which is not always an easy task. Although I do not live full time in the UK, my husband is British, and we do attend Mass when we are in the UK. may God preserve and defend these priests and His Church. May God bless you for your efforts to understand and share the glorious Faith we have been blessed with.

  4. Happy to support those who truly defend the faith.

    Louise Allain
    Westminster Diocese

  5. James Turner
    Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham

  6. Patrick Cusworth,
    Westminster diocese

  7. Leonhard Printz
    Diocese of Denmark.

  8. Thanks for posting this, and thanks to all who have signed. I have collected the names of those who have signed and asked your blog to email new comments to me.

    We will stop collecting signatures on Easter Sunday, and send the letter to the Catholic Herald on Monday. We hope to match the 451 priests, and are nearly there.

    Have a blessed Easter.


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