
I would like to warmly encourage readers of my blog to seriously consider attending two excellent events that Brentwood Catholic Youth Service (BCYS) are providing transport for:

March For Life : Saturday 16th May

Bishop Longley of the Diocese of Birmingham has given a special invitation to men to attend. The event begins at Birmingham Cathedral with a time of prayer and reflection, followed by a walk of witness through the streets of Birmingham. The day includes music, song and pro-life speakers such as the amazing Gianna Jessen. Anyone who has heard her testimony knows that her journey of life is truly inspirational and that she is an amazing witness to the true value of human life from conception to natural death.

A BCYS coach departs at 6:30 am from Brentwood Cathedral and returns to at 7pm. BCYS are preparing young people for the day with an optional meeting on 13th May in Brentwood Cathedral Conference Room at 7pm. Here they will hear more about the event and make banners for the day. For more details see here.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham: Saturday 23rd May

Parishes from across Brentwood Diocese are travelling to join Bishop Alan Williams SM and Mgr John Armitage, Shrine Director of the National Shrine to Our Lady for Brentwood Diocese’s Annual Pilgrimage to Walsingham.

The Shrine has a very special place in our diocese as mentioned in one of my previous blog posts. A BCYS coach departs from Brentwood Cathedral 7:30am, returning at 8:30pm at the Cathedral. For more details see here.

I think it is so important that the Catholic community support events such as these, as they provide vital witness to what it means to be Catholic today. The BCYS office can be contacted on: or 01277 265286


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