The Importance of Prayer for Evangelisation

Building on yesterday's conversation about the fundamental link in the Gospel between mercy and conversion, and the ministering of that mercy through the Sacraments (specifically Confession), which seemed to be starkly missing from the narrative in Sunday's Pastoral Letter from Archbishop's Nichols and Smith, I found this video of my own bishop, Alan Williams, who presented a workshop at the recent Proclaim '15 event (see here for more on this somewhat lack-luster initiative) entitled: "How to make prayer the foundation of your missionary parish".

What's interesting is that Bishop Alan starts off (as Jesus did) by marking out the central focus on conversion (μετάνοια) and its relationship to a personal encounter with Christ. He also markedly points out the importance and need of prayer at the centre of our action, its efficacy and the need to convince people of this reality in order they might have faith and utilise the gift of prayer in their own lives.

He also name drops a very important theologian and philosopher- Bernard Lonergan, author of one of the most important philosophical works of recent time: Insight.

All in all, this very short video is rather impressive! Please pray for Bishop Alan as he continues his work in Brentwood Diocese.


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