Theology of the Body Symposium- Choose Love, Choose Life!

If I am asked to do a talk anywhere, it is usually about sex. I think this is because there is so little information avaliable to young Catholics regarding human sexuality and the Church's teaching regarding it. The thing is, what the Church teaches in this regard is so affirming, so positive, so powerful and life changing, that there is a great hunger for it.

If you want to know more, there could be no greater opportunity than this symposium which is coming up in January in London:

Picture by Joseph Shaw, LMS Chairman.

Theology of the Body Symposium, London, 13th – 17th January 2016

St Patrick's Church in Soho, London, is delighted to be hosting a Theology of the Body Symposium to explore the Church's teachings concerning human identity and sexuality.

The Symposium, which is part of the 'Choose Life, Choose Love' series, will take place between 13th – 17th January 2016. This Symposium is primarily for young adults aged 18-35, or adults with pastoral responsibilities.

Christopher West, a best-selling author and one of the most sought after speakers in the Church today, will launch the Symposium on Wednesday 13th January with a public lecture. During the course of the Symposium, participants will receive formation on the key teachings of the Theology of the Body from Robert McNamara, Adjunct Professor at the International Theological Institute, Austria.

Goals for the Symposium:

The overall aim of this Symposium is to equip participants to transform the culture with the Gospel of Life and Love; as we study and pray together and reach out to those around us.

The keys goals for the Symposium are:

·        Theological Excellence

Through excellent teaching and personal study participants will deepen their understanding of the key concepts of the Theology of the Body and its life-changing message.
·        Transformation of Hearts and Minds

We cannot give what we do not have. So, each day we will allow Jesus to touch and change us, to free and heal us, as we gather in prayer and friendship as the body of Christ.
·        Practical Application
Through workshops delivered by experts and experienced practitioners, discussion groups and outreach opportunities such as Nightfever, participants will be better equipped to respond more effectively to the many challenges surrounding human identity and sexuality that we are faced within our culture.

Places are limited and are already beginning to fill up. Interested parties would need to respond promptly to in order to secure their place. Basic accommodation is offered at St Patrick's Church on a first come first served basis.

The cost is £100.00 without accommodation and £140.00 with accommodation. This will include all meals and all materials.

For more information and to book, please visit or call 020 7437 2010


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