Non angelus: Flee from the wolves in sheep's clothing

A brilliant post from my friend  Damian at Non angelus, sed anglus

Flee from the wolves in sheep's clothing

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." - Matthew 7:15

God is a God of mercy. 

Christ, ever merciful gave us sacraments of mercy - Baptism and afterwards the sacrament of Penance for those in mortal sin and the Eucharist for those in a state of grace. 

The consistent teaching of the Church is that Catholics may only receive the Holy Eucharist if we are Catholic, have fasted and are in a state of grace. 

Both tradition and scriptures clearly teach that receiving when not in a state of grace is blasphemy and will bring, not eternal life but condemnation. 

Amoris Laetitiae must be read as consistent with Catholic teaching and so when His Holiness says that those in irregular situations must be welcomed and receive the sacraments he must be referring to Confession (with a firm purpose of amendment) followed by reception of the Eucharist later if in a state of grace. 

If anyone - whether layman, priest or bishop neglects their obligation and mission to uphold and teach the Catholic Faith then they are wolves whose actions could bring to Hell not only themselves but as many others as possible. 

Emasculated bishops and priests who are not man enough to call themselves and others to holiness may think they're being pastoral but there is nothing pastoral about leading souls away from salvation. Flee from the wolves! There is  no accompanying anyone in Hell. 

Vatican II makes it very clear that the call to holiness is universal. It is not surprising that some bishops and priests who have lost the faith may join the enemy whispering into your ear. "You're not good enough. You cannot change. That would be far too difficult for you."  Christ says instead, to all of us, "My grace is enough." We are called to cooperate with that grace and make a firm purpose of amendment. 

I am privileged to be friends with a number of people who are not able to get married due to their state in life. Some describe themselves as gay, others are divorced - sometimes because of abandonment. They are faithful to Christ and His Church, avoid sinful relationships and inspire me by their lives of grace. 

If anyone is reading this is in an irregular marital situation, then my advice to you would be that which I would give you in person:

"You are loved by God and He wants to welcome you back.  Repent, receive absolution and return to a life of grace. God loves all of us - He loves us all so much He wants us to change and by His grace, enter into eternal life." 


  1. And Jesus answered them, "See that no one leads you astray, for many will come in my name, saying 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray"

  2. Mark.The truth indeed!Repent ,receive absolution and return to a life of Grace.If not then Hell awaits.This Bergoglio doesn't care though-so sad.


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