A little bit of succour...

The Catholic Herald reports today that Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster, has spoken in support of the Polish bishops’ campaign against abortion.

In his homily at a Mass for the 1050th anniversary of the Baptism of Poland, Cardinal Nichols referred to the Polish bishops’ attempts to eliminate abortion, saying: “Some want to argue that abortion can be a right in conscience. This cannot be so because abortion is always the destruction of innocent life.”

Thank you your Eminence!


  1. Thank you indeed, Your Eminence. Would it be too much to ask that, in the light of your support for the Polish bishops, you might, together with your brogher bishops, launch a similar campaign in England and Wales?

  2. What a pass we have come to when we are surprised that a Cardinal will publically support Catholic teaching! As 'pattif' says, is he ready to take a lead here?

  3. I hope the Cardinal will have the courage to support the Catholic teaching on abortion in a more public way. It was good to hear he supported the Polish bishops when addressing a group of Polish parishioners but he needs to preach to those who are not already converted .

    1. It does feel a little like we have been thrown a strategic bone, doesn't it? I was wondering how the Catholic Herald knew about such an obscure homily? Did the Cathedral press office tip someone off I wonder?


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