Southwark to work with The School of the Annunciation!

Some wonderful news came from the Archbishop of Southwark, Peter Smith.

Archbishop Peter has announced in a Pastoral Letter read out at all Masses today that Southwark Diocese are launching a new Certificate in Catechesis in conjunction with The School of the Annunciation in Buckfast Abbey.

Cover of the new Certificate of Catechesis

Archbishop Peter Smith and Fr Guy de Gaynesford signed a partnership agreement between the School of the Annunciation and the Archdiocese of Southwark at the end of a Mass for catechists in St George's cathedral yesterday. The School of the Annunciation will deliver the Diocesan Catechetical Certificate, beginning in January 2017.

Archbishop Peter states in his letter:
This new diocesan course is intended especially for catechists in our parishes and chaplaincies, but it will also be of importance and interest to teachers in our schools, to all who are engaged in faith formation in parishes, as well as parents, grandparents, readers at Mass, those involved in Children’s Liturgy of the Word, and anyone keen to know the faith better, and how to defend it and pass it on to others. The course is mainly on-line together with study days at the Diocesan Centre for Catholic Formation, and is both informative and highly practical. I’m quite sure that it will give catechists and others the confidence to teach the faith of Christ and his Church, and so to proclaim the Gospel...
...I am aware that many parishes and individuals are already doing much to spread the Good News of Jesus, and I thank those of you who are, and I thank God for it. Now, at this time, echoing Pope Francis’ words I want to encourage all parishes, and in particular parish councils, to focus on the task of evangelization, to form Parish Evangelization Teams, to ensure that they have sufficient resources and formation for their mission, and to help equip all the people of God in our diocese to have “a disciple’s tongue” as Isaiah puts it...
...This is the duty and the joy to which we are all called, not to promote ourselves but to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, who is “the King of kings and only Ruler of all, who alone is immortal… to Him be honour and everlasting power”. Full information about the new Diocesan Certificate in Catechesis has been sent by the Centre for Catholic Formation to all parishes and chaplaincies so why not have a word with your parish priest or assistant priest and perhaps arrange a gathering to look at the resources which will be available to help you, or you can contact the Diocesan Centre through its website, or by phone or email.
With my gratitude and an assurance of my prayers for you all
Archbishop of Southwark
This develop constitutes a major affirmation of the work of the School of the Annunciation in the work of the new evangelisation so sorely needed in our country today. I hope it will serve to raise the profile of the school and encourage more people to enrol on the wonderful courses on offer there.


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