The Papal Posse - The Roman Drama Never Stops

I find myself shaking my head a lot these days and wondering, is it just me?

Years ago, I started off defending Pope Francis' quirks, as did many people. But at this stage I have to admit I am bewildered by the constant stream of strangeness coming out of the Vatican.

I am not alone though, it is not my imagination, and it is not just a few narrow minded Catholics who hate the pope (bizarre sentence in itself) or want to see the worst. It's pretty much anyone who has the courage to be honest about what is in front of their eyes.

I recognise that many priests and bishops would want to defend the pope so as not to disturb the faithful. But the faithful (those who have any sort of clue, anyway,) are disturbed!

Gentle, objective, faithful EWTN. Always careful to be balanced, always working to grow the faith and confirm the faithful, to the point where some other media outlets are highly critical of them.

Look at what they are saying. Here is a good round up of the nightmare we currently face:


  1. Yes indeed the faithful are furiously angry, deeply saddened, and terribly frightened at what's going on in the Church and especially those in the hierarchy in the Vatican!! A whole roller coaster of emotions going on our here in 'laity land'. "Don't get the laity upset?" Yeah right, what planet are they on? ............way too late for that! We are already well aware of the disaster going on inside the Church, and it's UGLY, TERRIFYING AND MADDENING.

  2. Oh, and about 'defending the Pope'. It's impossible at this point in time for anyone to defend him. He's completely indefensible. That boat sailed a long time ago.

  3. It's time to defend the Church against Pope Francis


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