Gender Ideology will destroy human existence

One important point Cardinal Müller made in his interview which I failed to report on yesterday was this:

Question: And yet many people would like to see the CDF being more of a defender of the faith, especially today. It’s almost as if there’s an absence of authority of defending the faith coming from the Vatican. What do you say to that?
Answer: I always tried to avoid this impression. I gave many talks around the world. What I offered was this promotion of the faith and all the teaching, defending the faith, new questions of dogma and moral [questions], and especially the challenges of bioethics and all these big efforts, such as gender ideology, which will absolutely destroy the fundament of human existence, family and future.

This speaks to one of my major concerns in all this. Instead of addressing really important problems like this, the hierarchy of the Church is embroiled in a bitter internal battle, which seems to largely be about power, which must seem largely unimportant and irrelevant to most people outside the institution.

The most important fight, the fight which the Church would seem designed for, is this fight—to offer real alternatives to the gender wars and social rupture which is raging all around us. Many say the synod of the family as the opportunity to get to grips with these issues, but instead we get this weird power struggle. The devil must be smiling at the moment!

Meanwhile a new study reveals that virtually all transgender students are self-harming in Scotland.

The pro-homosexual lobby group Stonewall, who the Catholic Education Service in the UK collaborated with recently in producing a trojan horse document in UK Catholic Schools has issued a school report for Scotland with the University of Cambridge. Life site News explains how this report shows 96% of the country’s transgender youth engage in self-destructive behavior, including cutting themselves. The report also found “incredibly high levels” of mental health issues in transgenders.

School Report Scotland” surveyed more than 400 LGBTQI Scottish students. The survey focused on bullying and name-calling but also revealed suicide attempts, depression, anxiety, and self-harm.

The survey also reports that besides 96% of trans students attempting self-harm, 60% of homosexuals also self-harm. 40% of Scottish trans pupils have tried to commit suicide, a quarter of homosexuals have, too.

Former transgender Walt Heyer of Sex Change Regret told LifeSiteNews that the tragic statistics from Scotland are not surprising.

“The Stonewall Scotland’s survey, which found 96 percent of trans students self-harm, is consistent with high rates of suicides and mental disorders reported among trans people for 50 years,” Heyer said. “My analysis, '50 Years of Sex Changes, Mental Disorders, and Too Many Suicides', supports the study.”

Of course the argument of Stonewall is that the reason there are so many mental health problems among those who identify as LGBT is because everyone is so nasty to them all the time and the only solution is to normalise LGBTQI'ism through education and legislation.

But in reality, normalising transgenderism only perpetuates the disorder, as Heyer explains:
“Individuals who identify as transgender do so largely because they are suffering from an undiagnosed disorder known as ‘comorbid disorders,’ their condition remains untreated before, during and after ‘changing’ genders, so the social and emotional disorders remain untreated also.”
Heyer points out that 90% of attempted suicides are a result of mental illness and there is a major study which demonstrates “at least 62.7% of individuals who identify as transgender are in a fact suffering psychiatric mental disorders.”

Of course this is all made worse by politicians and mainstream media who continually busy themselves “glamorizing transgenders like Bruce Jenner, in his psychological turmoil,” Heyer said. They “do a great disservice to transgender people and to those who treat them by denying them a safe environment in which to tackle the deeper issues of comorbid disorders and suicide.”

And yet that “disservice” is just what the Scottish government is spending tax money on. This year, Scotland made sex education mandatory in all high schools and “age-appropriate” education about homosexual relationships in all elementary schools.

British Secretary of Education Justine Greening (a homosexual herself) made Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) mandatory for all of England’s schools — for children as young as four to learn about “healthy relationships” — by 2019.

Pro-family advocates say that just as “reproductive rights” is a euphemism for abortion, so “Sex and Relationship Education” (SRE) has become a euphemism for gay indoctrination.


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