Magnum Principium from The Papal Posse

THE PAPAL POSSE...FR GERALD MURRAY, canon lawyer and priest of the Archdiocese of New York and ROBERT ROYAL, editor-in-chief of The Catholic Thing, discuss Pope Francis' new motu proprio on the liturgy, Magnum Principium, and all the latest news from the Vatican.

I think this is one of the most helpful programmes on what is going on in the Church currently.

On the Pope's liturgical moto proprio, the main question seem to me to be: why do this now? Robert Royal says the danger of Magnum Principium is that the many polarising elements will cause a dissolution of our unity. Local bishop's conferences will now be able to propose their own translations of the Latin text of the Mass. Is the intention to decentralise liturgical power from Rome?

The comprehension of the people is the new bench mark being set here by Pope Francis it seems, this as opposed to faithfulness to the Latin text, which was the benchmark of his predecessor. Fr Gerald considers this can do nothing other than usher in another round of liturgy wars. If anyone thinks this will do anything other than further alienate the laity, I would be amazed. Ultimately what it means is that Mass can now be different in different English speaking countries, so we move further from unity of prayer and worship. Raymond makes a great point about dumbing down the most important prayer of the Catholic Church.

There's then talk of the deconstruction of Humanae Vitae, quite extraordinary. Quite frightening.

Meanwhile, a four-day pilgrimage of cardinals, bishops, priests, religious and faithful from around the world to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Summorum pontificum wrapped up on Sunday. During this pilgrimage, Cardinal Sarah, head of the Congregation for Divine Worship said:
“Unauthorized liturgical practices strike discordant notes in the symphony of the Church’s rites and produce a noise which disturbs souls. This is not creativity, nor is it truly pastoral. No: a fidelity grounded in humility, awe and silence of heart, mind and soul are what is required from each of us in respect of the Church’s rites. Let not the sin of liturgical pride take root in our souls!”


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