“We have something that belongs to you.”

I thought this was a really good film. It is specifically promoting the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, but it speaks to me of the whole of the faith and Mass especially:

As Msgr Charles Pope writes; Many Catholics do not know of the rich heritage that has to some degree been denied them by modernity. The TLM is the form of the Mass that most of the saints knew. With only minor variations and additions, this form of the liturgy has existed for well over a thousand years. The, Latin, the chants, the eastward orientation, the often-deep silence—all of these reach across the centuries like treasures. A lot of things come and go, but the TLM has stood the test of time; it is a heritage that belongs to us.

Moving accounts of discovery of the treasure of Catholic inheritance; something counter cultural- something beautiful - something different - something transcendent.

What comes across is the desire to do something beautiful to worship & praise God. The community fosters and promotes the love of Christ shared among the members of the community. Everything we believe as Catholics is contains in the Mass, the Mass is the heart of our faith.

The reverence is transcendent, we are made for prayer - to worship almighty God. This feels right!

One lady says her family are more loving to each other because they feel they have "to live the Mass" - wow!


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