Young? Catholic? Faithful? Get Out!

Luther as the Devil’s Bagpipes by Eduard Schoen, circa 1535.

So in the modern Catholic Church under Pope Francis, we see young Catholics kicked out of a Catholic Cathedral for praying the Rosary, while Protestant heretics are lauded and welcomed.

The Youtube video below shows Police removing a group of young Catholics from the cathedral in Brussels after they recited the rosary out loud, disrupting a service celebrating the Reformation.

The Catholic Cathedral of St Michael and St Gudula hosted the service with the United Protestant Church in Belgium, the country’s largest Protestant denomination. UPCB president Steven Fuit, who preached at the service, said the event sent a “strong ecumenical signal” (yes it does, the wrong one!).

However, several young Catholics disrupted the ceremony by reciting the rosary at the back of the Cathedral, preventing the pastor from beginning his sermon. The video shows police eventually breaking up the group and escorting them outside. 

I have to say this resonated deeply with me because it is a recurring theme in my experience. Those most hated by the Church today are those who believe the Gospel and take Her teaching to heart.

Good on these brave and faithful young people! God bless them for their fervour and their faith!

It's amazing to see that:

a). So many now in a position of power usurp that power to seek public approval by instigating this false ecumenism which endangers Catholics and members of other ecclesial communities. This is NOT what Vatican II taught! The Second Vatican Council held the idea of the unicity of the Roman Catholic Church in tension with the Universality of the Christian message by teaching that bodies not in juridical communion with the Petrine See reflect the life and worship of the Church in varying degrees. This has repercussions for Roman Catholics as well as non Catholics, because full, external and visible communion needs to be complemented by an interior disposition; an interior communion in the life of Grace. A Catholic who is not in a state of grace is not therefore, fully incorporated into the Church.

b). Young Catholics just aren't having it. You can't ask people to believe in something and then constantly betray it! It just doesn't work! This, however, is the legacy of the sixties and seventies. The legacy so many seem to cling to despite the glaringly obvious factual data that IT DOES NOT WORK! It is a failed project!!

So how do liberal Catholic "experts" react when faced with such inspirational and faithful youth? They excommunicate them of course!
The Catholic Herald reports:

French website Média-Presse-Info posted a leaflet the group had reportedly handed out, reading:

“Our Cathedral of St Michael and St Gudula is a Catholic building built by our fathers to be a House of God, for the celebration of the holy Mass, for the praise of God and the saints.

“The occupation of our cathedral by Protestants to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is therefore a profanation.

“Indeed, the so-called Reformation was really a revolt: under the pretext of combatting abuses, Luther rebelled against the divine authority of the Catholic Church, denied numerous Truths of the Faith, abolished the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments, rejected the necessity of good works and the practice of Christian virtues. Finally, he attacked the veneration of the Virgin Mary and the saints, the religious life and monastic vows.

“This terrible revolution was a great tragedy for Christian society and for the salvation of souls. And the Lutheran errors are still heresies today because the Truth is eternal.”

In his sermon, Pastor Fuit called for Christians to respect differences.

“Our individuality and our unity consist not in the passive acceptance of diversity. Our unity essentially derives from respecting differences. Without the other who is different, who thinks otherwise, who does otherwise, I do not exist, I am nothing. Differences are an inherent part of unity.”


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