Catholic Teaching is under assault...from the Pope!

Is Catholic teaching under assault from Amoris Laetitia. Yes says Canon Lawyer Fr. Gerald Murray.

Sometimes in discussions with some people it seems they think I am making up the confusion and problems being caused directly by the words and actions of Pope Francis. EWTN is well known for being cautious, middle of the road, faithful and devout. It seeks to avoid controversy and upsetting the mainstream bishops, etc. But the dismay evident in this clip is incontrovertible. It is a clear examination which is highly commendable for its' objectivity and clarity. It covers all the bases.

It seems clear that the inclusion in AAS is an attempt by Pope Francis to deal with the dubia by roundabout means.

Edward Pentin reports that Bishop Arrieta, the second-ranking official at the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, said the Buenos Aires guidelines take into account “norms but also the concrete situations” affecting the conscience of remarried divorcees “in order to deal with a complex pastoral matter.”

But Cardinal Müller, the prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has expressed some reservations, telling the Register Dec. 6 that he finds it “disturbing” the Holy Father would declare an interpretation of a group of bishops as “almost infallible” teaching.

As the Papal Posse articulate, more confusion. Pope Francis really is the Pope of Confusion, and as this confusion deepens, thirty-seven leaders of pro-life, pro-family organisations have published a “Pledge of Fidelity” to the unchanging teaching of the Catholic Church.

The pledge is issued at a time when erroneous doctrines are being publicly taught by prominent members of the hierarchy, including Pope Francis, causing confusion and scandal throughout the Church.

The pledge highlights numerous statements and actions which have had a particularly damaging impact on the work of the pro-life and pro-family movement in recent years. These include statements and actions concerning contraception, homosexuality, divorce and sex-education.

The full text of the pledge, and the list of signatories, can be found below and at


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