Cardinal Müller: Who will Save the Church From Pope Francis & His Friends?

Cardinal Gerhard Müller former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) at the Vatican speaks at length about the cover up of sex abuse by clergy, the Youth Synod getting underway in Rome this week and much more in this interview.

Asked about the scandal surrounding abuse in the Church the Cardinal explains how this abuse comes from a breakdown of morality in society, a rejection of the sixth commandment. This breakdown has also entered the Church as well. Cardinal Müller clearly states that the abuse crisis is a homosexual crisis, he is clear about the statistics involved. Müller also says the Pope's suggestions that abuse is down to "clericalism" is nonsense. It is a violation of the Sixth Commandment.

Cardinal Müller says with respect to Archbishop Vigano's testimonies, he always sought to broker a reconciliation between Pope Francis and Archbishop Vigano, his testimony in this interview continuously appeals to an open process: as the accusations are public, so should the response be. Müller takes a conciliatory line which clearly has a long view and a view which has the Church as an institution vital to the world at the centre.

It seems Arroyo, throughout the interview, is trying to get Cardinal Müller to condemn the Pope's actions. Müller carefully side-steps these attempts (it seems to me) and instead says that the great problem of the pontificate are the so called "friends" of the pope who are actually enemies. He clearly says that the wrong candidates are being appointed as bishops because favours are being asked of the pope by these "friends" and the due process being circumvented. Is this a direct reference to Bishop Barros? Certainly we know for a fact that Don Mauro Inzoli, a serial abuser of boys as young as 12, was defrocked by Benedict XVI but returned to the priesthood, against Cardinal Müller's direction, by Pope Francis. This return was facilitated at the behest of Inzoli’s friends in the Curia, Cardinal Coccopalmerio and Monsignor Vito Pinto. This resulted in complaints from Inzoli’s home town of Cremona, and police reopened the case against him. An Italian court found him guilty of “more than a hundred episodes” of molesting five boys aged 12 to 16. It sentenced the rehabilitated priest to four years, nine months in prison. A new canonical trial was then arranged. After the priest’s second ecclesiastical trial, Pope Francis decided on May 20, 2017, to strip the convicted ephebophile of his priestly faculties.

On the current Youth Synod the Cardinal comments that it has no real authority yet behind the synod is a political movement to change the teaching of the Church. However this is not a change, just a contradiction (as in the idea of communion for divorced & remarried persons). He condemns the attempts to bring LGBT language into the synod process and says that any attempt to do so is completely at odds with Church teaching. This is great to hear, but nonetheless, such language is being used and such changes are being attempted. What happens now your eminence??

Cardinal Müller is crystal clear on "changing doctrine". He says the Pope's "friends" want to change Church teaching to be more accommodating to the world, but it cannot change. The Holy Spirit does not change revelation, revelation is complete in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit reminds us of this Revelation.

Cardinal Müller supports Cardinal Zen's position on China as he is the expert on the situation. It seems he asks the same questions as the rest of us are about this: it is great to have unity, but not at any cost!

I wish Müller was the pope, he talks a lot more sense! But even though he speaks with caritas and clarity in this interview, the problems all persist and one has to wonder if this gentle conciliatory approach will have any effect on anything? Who is going to save the Church from Pope Francis and his "friends"?

Cardinal Müller teaches says the Catholic truth we are familiar with, though seldom announced in this Pontificate, but it seems so starkly at odds with what Pope Francis & his "friends" are effectively pushing out - who will stop them??

Galatians 1:6-12 
The Good News I preached is not a human message but from Jesus Christ I am astonished at the promptness with which you have turned away from the one who called you and have decided to follow a different version of the Good News. Not that there can be more than one Good News; it is merely that some troublemakers among you want to change the Good News of Christ; and let me warn you that if anyone preaches a version of the Good News different from the one we have already preached to you, whether it be ourselves or an angel from heaven, he is to be condemned. I am only repeating what we told you before: if anyone preaches a version of the Good News different from the one you have already heard, he is to be condemned. So now whom am I trying to please – man, or God? Would you say it is men’s approval I am looking for? If I still wanted that, I should not be what I am – a servant of Christ. The fact is, brothers, and I want you to realise this, the Good News I preached is not a human message that I was given by men, it is something I learnt only through a revelation of Jesus Christ.


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