The response of youth to the "youth" synod? Largely horror.

This is really brilliant and cuts through the despicable synod double-speak beautifully with clear Catholic truth! I hope it was read out to the whole assembly? But as Baldesseri controls everything it would seem very unlikely. Might I recommend therefore, we make as much of it as possible in an attempt to make them hear the true voice of Catholic Youth?

Edward Pentin reports Australian youth have written a letter to the Synod, which criticises substituting the truth for policy-speak and calls out senior prelates who deliberately use ambiguous language in the face of Christ’s teachings.

In an Oct. 12 letter addressed to the Synod Fathers and all the assembly's participants (see full text in Pentin's report here), 217 Australian university students and young professionals stress that young people “do not want to shape the Church before the Church can form us,” and that they are yearning for a “reliable moral compass.”

“The world is confused,” they write, “and in this confusion, the young have nothing to grasp. We want the Synod Fathers to remind the world that God will only deliver us when we cling to Him in love.”

Drawing on Blessed John Henry Newman’s teaching on conscience, they stress that “without the Church and everything she offers” conscience has “no substance” and that the young “need to be well-formed in the truth.”

“We cannot shape the Church when we are not formed,” they repeat. “Formless minds will manifest a shapeless Church, constantly evading the truth.”

“When the Church eschews the truth for policy-speak, young people are left with only superficial banalities.” “Deliberately unclear words...are repeated with rigidity. The Church should not discourage young people following its rules in love”

Ironically, the same day, this was the sort of incomprehensible meaningless twaddle coming out of the Synod:
No wonder the youth argue that they have no hope of forming the Church amid confusion over issues such as “contraception, sexuality, communion for divorcees and non-Catholics, married priests and female ordination.” Such confusion, they continue, “is borne from senior prelates purposefully employing ambiguous language when addressing such issues, even in the face of Christ’s teachings, the Church Fathers and the clear dogma of the Church.”

“Such ambiguity is neither charitable nor desired by the youth and needs to be addressed by this Synod,” they say, adding that it is rules encouraging a personal relationship with Christ which “lead us to Christ, they always have.”

“When the Church eschews the truth for policy-speak, young people are left with only superficial banalities to express their beliefs,” the Australian youth point out. “Deliberately unclear words are, ironically, relied on and repeated with rigidity. The Church should not discourage young people following its rules in love, nor its priests from teaching them.”

They go on to urge the Synod Fathers to also encourage pilgrimages, adoration and other devotions, and speak favorably of the Dr. Jordan Peterson phenomenon, referencing the popularity of the Canadian clinical psychologist who “doesn’t tell the young they are fine the way they are.” But they also stress that Peterson and others like him are unable to offer the “fullness of truth” because they “do not have faith.”

“Only the Church can provide real meaning to our world,” the young signatories argue. “The Synod Fathers need to accept this mission. The young want the truth, unambiguously.”

They also write to the Synod Fathers about the need to make the Mass “worthy of the profound claim it is making,” and argue against bringing the Eucharistic celebration “down to our level of comfort” and thereby turning it into a “weird claim which people struggle to take seriously.”

Let's face it, this resonates beautifully with Catholic truth. These kids understand the faith better than the Pope and all the synod fathers, thank God for them! But Pope Francis won't like it because it beautifully contradicts his baffling leftist double-speak agenda. God save us from this pope!


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