Scottish Shopping Centre Bans Christmas

The Thistles Shopping Centre in Stirling, Scotland, has made worldwide headlines this month by banning a Christmas nativity scenes from it's premises.

Managers at Thistles in Stirling declined a request to host props and figurines representing the first ever Christmas, saying customers would not approve.

A spokesman for the Catholic Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh told the Scottish Sun: "At this time of year, Christmas cribs grace many public squares all across the British Isles, bringing joy to nearly all who encounter them, regardless of their religion.

"It seems just a wee bit, well, Grinch-like for the Thistles Shopping Centre to ban the Christmas crib and, in the true spirit of Christmas, we would certainly ask them to reconsider their decision."

Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for the Church of Scotland told the newspaper: "We find it very disappointing that the true meaning of Christmas has been completely lost here.

You can read more here.

In an interesting take on the story, some dynamic young Catholics from Holy Family Church Mossend decided to find out what the shopping centre would they do if Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus just showed up? This short video reveals the reaction they received:

What a great idea and the point is well made: CHRISTmas is inseparable from CHRIST. Cultural diversity sees us embracing & seeking to understand a variety of religious festivals and holidays from Ramadan to Diwali, why should Christians not celebrate Christmas? 

This story is indicative of the anti-Christian bias prevalent in Great Britain these days.


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