Is this a papal dodge?

The Papal Posse are always worth a watch.

In this episode, they discuss the synod document.

Fr Gerald Murray says it was a happy day when Querida Amazonia was released because the synod asked for women deacons and married priests and the Holy Father did not grant those things, he gave an answer which was to pray for vocations.

Progressive Catholics are angry and bitter, their reaction, that the pope "lacked courage" is because he set up people's expectations in that regard.

Fr Murray: the Amazonian synod was first raised by the pope in the context of ordaining viri probati, naturally there were therefore a lot of expectations.

Robert Royal thinks the pope wants to leave the door open with his request for the faithful to read the Final Document. Baldisseri says clearly in the press conference that exhortation does not speak about the approval of the final document, just presentation, therefore it does not have magisterial authority. In this Baldesseri contradicted Czerny - confusion is evident isn't it?

Royal says that this is Pope Francis modus operandi, he doesn't like to make definitive pronouncements (boy is that ever the case!). Royal recalls that Amoris laetitia did not pronounce divorced and remarried can receive communion, it hints and that is the problem. Royal says we take the black and white words on the page and we say that's as far as it goes.

Gerald Murray thinks the "magisterial" dimension of the discussion is "canonical buzz talk". Why are we focusing on married clergy? It;s because it is about ending celibacy which is what ze Germanz want. This has to end that.

Raymond Arroyo:
"Why aren't clear answers incarnate in this document from the Church?..This strikes me as uncatholic - silly"
Francis quotes Pope Benedict XVI & Pope St. John Paul II in Querida Amazonia and lays out his dream for the environment. Does this go any further than giving us a warm feeling about what we ought do?

On Pachamama, Gerald Murray is excellent! "get rid of that stuff!" Paganism is not beneficent, it's about fear of pagan gods and placating those vicious gods. This is the falsehood Christian truth dispelled.


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