Livestreaming Liturgy

If you're anything like me, you'll be feeling a bit starved of your faith about now.

I think the explosion of clever ways our brave priests have engaged with technology to bring the liturgy to us has been really inspiring, if a little like watching someone eat a fabulous dinner through the window of a restaurant.

A lot of our Catholic friends have taken the opportunity to really focus on the ecclesia domestica - the Church in our homes. It is possible that we will see a real resurgence of personal piety, devotions that have been often quite lacking in recent decades and certainly help children to grow up in a Catholic environment.

My Parish priest has really been doing a brilliant job of bringing the liturgy to our homes with livestreaming.

He has received a number of very touching messages from all over the world as well as the country, from grateful Catholics who have tuned in to pray with our Parish.

He has also issued a number of short videos, the latest of which, published this morning, speaks about Divine Mercy Sunday:

You can see all Father Kevin's videos on the Parish Facebook Page: and Instagram:

You can also keep up to date with the Parish Twitter feed:

Subscribe to our Parish Youtube channnel for live streamed liturgies & talks here

I hope you are keeping safe and well during this extraordinary period of history. God bless you and keep you. Oremus pro invincem!


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