German Priests & Bishop Contradict CDF - What's going on?

Fr Mark Goring speaks to Alexander Tschugguel (who pitched Pachamamma into the Tiber) about what's going on in Germany & Austria right now. Alexander provides some valuable insight into the comments of Cardinal Schönborn, which have encouraged those seeking to resist the teaching of the Church - quite extraordinary when you think about it! It does demonstrate how we've got to this place. These subversive strains of the Church have been facilitated and allowed to proliferate by men like Schönborn who clearly compromised in this area, despite being credited with the authorship of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Indeed, his involvement with that volume shows how well these men hide in high office and are quite prepared to say things completely at odds with the agenda they seek to promote, depending on who is in charge.

The very same game has long been played by our own Cardinal, Vincent Nichols.


  1. Whilst the German church is going off piste, Goring and Tschuggel are unsure guides. Tchuggell was paid to undertake a sill woke stunt in Rome, committing theft and criminal damage. He has an xterm experience right wing political agenda. Bad news.

    1. Huh? Tschuggel was a hero for tossing that idol in the river. Who gives a damn if that was "theft"? What kind of prig are you that you sniff about "theft" when an IDOL had been carried into the Vatican and worshipped there. Petty "men" like you are the reason the Church is in the parlous state it's in.

    2. Huh? Tschuggel was a hero for tossing that idol in the river. Who gives a damn if that was "theft"? What kind of prig are you that you sniff about "theft" when an IDOL had been carried into the Vatican and worshipped there. Petty "men" like you are the reason the Church is in the parlous state it's in.

  2. Do you have any evidence that Tschuggel was paid to conduct his idol-bathing? How would this relate to his experience of the church in Germany and Austria? Finally, wasn't another right-wing activist criticised for throwing some money-changers out of the temple (criminal damge)?

  3. Cardinal the Graf von Schönborn typifies the Vicars of Bray in the hierarchies. Under JP II he is central to the CCC, under PF a liberal.

    I have a little visual test I apply to see if a Bishop is a “Francis groupie” : see if he imitates his pectoral cross. They proliferated like a rash on his election!

  4. Convert Dr. Taylor Marshall paid the airfare for Convert Tschuggel to travel to Rome to steal the wooden piece and throw it in the Tiber. Both Laymen attend the FSSP.

    1. Not sure what your problem is with converts - as I understand it, the gospel is all about us converting!

    2. Tschggel reverted to his ancestral faith


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