Living with an impossible loss

Louise & I were recently interviewed for the One of Nine YouTube channel I blogged about here. The motivation is threefold:

  • Encourage priests and bishops by sharing that living a Catholic life is beautiful and totally possible. You don’t have to compromise and lots of us are just getting on with it even though many of us feel undermined and abandoned by the hierarchy.
  • Build community and reach out in solidarity to other Catholic families, share our joys and our struggles to encourage and help each other when things are challenging.
  • Share our story of love and hope in order that it might encourage others who are going through dark times in their lives, help them to realise that Jesus fills our lives with His goodness and presence even when life seems impossibly hard.


  1. Mark and Louise, I've not met you (yet!) but I have been very inspired by you over the years, via this blog. Watching this video has just increased that sense of inspiration and respect even further. So thank you. Keep running the race. You are in my prayers.

  2. Dear Mark, thank you and your wife very much for your courage in giving this interview, especially in speaking about the impossible loss you suffered. Your faith and love gives me courage and hope. Thank you for showing and explaining so simply and honestly that we may be confident that God can bring forth good — real, unhoped-for good, not a mere abstraction — from unimaginable suffering. Dominic


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