Michael James Nazir-Ali Swims the Tiber

Michael James Nazir-Ali (Urdu: مائیکل نذیر علی‎; born 19 August 1949) is a former Anglican bishop who was the 106th Bishop of Rochester in the Church of England from 1994 to 2009. He is now director of the Oxford Centre for Training, Research, Advocacy and Dialogue, and was Visiting Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, in the United States, from 2010.

Today, Dr. Jules Gomes of Church Militant (himself a former Anglican minister) broke the news that this intellectual giant and highly competent theologian is to be received into the Catholic Church and ordained priest later this month.

Nazir-Ali, who holds a master of letters from Cambridge University, an earned doctorate from the Australian College of Theology, and six honorary doctorates from universities around the world, was one of the final two candidates for archbishop of Canterbury in 2000. He was pipped to the post because of his authentic Christianity & failure to adhere to the zeitgeist.
Gomes' report also contained details that efforts were made at the highest level of the Vatican to dissuade 72-year-old Nazir-Ali from converting to Catholicism. "Nazir-Ali isn't the kind of convert we are looking for under the Francis pontificate" Gomes was told.  "Such a high-profile conversion is a setback to ecumenism...Pope Francis seems to have always indicated he believes in the validity of Anglican orders," a senior Argentinian-based Anglican cleric who knew Cdl. Jorge Bergoglio in Buenos Aires told Church Militant.

Nazir-Ali is a vocal supporter of basic Christian principles in the UK — in this way he stands in contrast to the vast majority of UK bishops: a  real Christian voice and a real leader. He has attended the March4Life and is prepared to defend the Christian position of abortion, homosexuality etc. What a great addition to the Catholic Church this man is, please pray for him!!


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