If the “Olson’s” of the Church are turning on Bergoglio he is really in trouble!

On this recent episode of EWTN's The World Over, we find some typical responses to the latest Papal confusion. 

As Raymond Arroyo points out, the function & purpose of the meeting with the Pope was for Biden to demonstrate clearly that you can be a good Catholic receiving communion and yet openly promote and support abortion.

Interesting that Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth, Texas, a man with a terrible reputation, certainly not any sort of traditionalist or well known for orthodoxy, has been vocal in calling out the deliberate confusion being caused by the Pope in direct contradiction to his proper function as the very point of unity & clarity for Christians.

Biden pushes the most extreme measures on abortion and is facing sanction from his own bishops at home so it is impossible to see how this meeting is not an endorsement of his position by the Pope? Surely the faithful are due an explanation of some sort?

Here's the full papal posse video, it contains a lot of very sensible analysis.

If you are interested in why this is all so important, here is further excellent commentary on this:


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