A "How to" Guide to Confession

"Bring your desire for holiness and everything else will take care of itself"...

Well worth watching this video about confession from Fr Casey. It is a gentle, useful reminder on how to approach the sacrament. This needs discussion more often as well because you have to remember that our experience of confession as a lay person is extremely subjective. We have no idea how anyone else does it, what they confess or how they confess. Therefore an objective, experienced guide like this is very useful in my opinion. I also recognised myself in all the examples Father gives! 



  1. There is some bad teaching on this. Scrupulosity is not a form of OCD. God gives the trial of scrupulosity to bring the penitent back into line with the correct relationship with God. St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Faustyna who both attained Union with God both had the martyrdom of scruples. It is not a problem of OCD, it is a problem of self-centredness and living in one's head too much.

    Beyond this, I am not particularly referring to this priest, but most Catholics are getting a poor deal from confession. If you go to a confession at the Institute of Christ the King, then you will be told what your sin is, what is the corresponding virtue that must be practiced to overcome the sin, and then they will tell you how to achieve this virtue. FSSP priest's for instance will point out that God is raising you to a new trial, and then they will tell you what to do to overcome the trial. This is what should be happening in the confessional. Unfortunately, seminaries in the post-conciliar Western Church do not teach this.


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