Love is Love. Or is it?

It is great to see a video from Brian Holdsworth tackling the LGBTQI+ infiltration of Catholic schools. I have been trying to find a priest who would be willing to join me on camera for a discussion about this issue - no joy so far - and, when one considers the way Fr. Rosario was attacked by Bishop Philip Egan for speaking the truth on this issue you can see why they might be reticent!

Brian puts together a gentle and intelligent summation of why LGBTQI+ ideology and Catholicism are not compatible.

Basically it boils down to the fact that if you are a Catholic and you think "love is love" you're either ill informed or really stupid.

Brian explains:

"I want to close with a conversation about catholic schools embracing pride symbols if I can for a second because I've tried to argue that the catholic church has this long-standing tried and tested definition of love that is coherent universal and based on reason and when it comes to alternative theories that might be offered in contrast and in opposition to that catholic definition the onus isn't on the church to prove that these are wrong but on the theorists to prove that they are right. If you're going to say that same-sex relationships are good and loving and use slogans like "love is love" then you need to demonstrate how they are compatible and coherent with a cohesive definition of love and I think that's lacking here and this is especially a problem for catholic schools because if you're a Catholic school, if you're going to advertise yourself as an institution that will provide formation that is uniquely Catholic and compatible with the Catholic view of things but then you're going to promote and embrace concepts of love that are incoherent and which rival Catholic teachings then you aren't truly catholic on the most fundamental level instead you're just hijacking the Catholic name and affiliation for different purposes would which aren't entirely obvious but not actually offering a Catholic education which is false advertising and even fraudulent. If you want to embrace concepts of love and human understanding that are not Catholic I think that's one thing but then you aren't authentically catholic anymore and you should have the courage to admit that rather than trying to have your cake and eat it too."

Someone please show this to the senior leadership teams at Saint Thomas More Catholic Secondary School Westcliff-on-Sea and Saint John Fisher Purley - they urgently need to be educated on this issue!

If we have an impasse where so-called Catholic schools, like the two mentioned above, claim to be offering a Catholic education whilst flagrantly defying Catholic teaching, the bishop needs to address the issue or be complicit in fraud and the deliberate misleading of his flock.

A particular responsibility is incumbent upon Bishops with regard to Catholic institutions. Whether these are agencies for the pastoral care of the family or for social work, or institutions dedicated to teaching or health care, Bishops can canonically erect and recognize these structures and delegate certain responsibilities to them. Nevertheless, Bishops are never relieved of their own personal obligations. It falls to them, in communion with the Holy See, both to grant the title “Catholic” to Church-related schools, universities, health-care facilities and counselling services, and, in cases of a serious failure to live up to that title, to take it away.” (Veritatis Splendor # 116)

If those responsible for promoting this ideology don't understand the danger they are exposing the children to, they can easily be enlightened, or they should stop pretending that they are Catholic teachers.


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