Trent Horn unpacks Cardinal Hollerich's Dissent


In this video Trent addresses the comments of Cardinal Hollerich recently who, during an interview with the German Catholic news agency KNA, stated that Church teaching related to homosexuality “is false,” because the “sociological-scientific foundation of this teaching is no longer correct.” See this report in the Register for more on that.

Trent argues that the argument for homosexuality in the Church is born of a basic universalism: the pernicious idea that everyone goes to heaven. Once you dispense with hell, the Church becomes about making people "happy" and instigating social welfare programmes.

Personally I think the main problem is that so few Catholics understand what the Church teaches - the fact that the Church asks no more from homosexual persons than it does for everyone else. Also how the teaching is rooted in the dignity of the human person as opposed to ideology which seeks to supplant the imago Dei with sexual desire as the central tenet of our humanity.

Even fewer people are capable of explaining it, let alone defending it!

Going down Hollerich's route unravels Catholic doctrine and the teaching of Jesus Himself in Sacred Scripture (see this video for more on that). It has massive ramifications because it divides the procreative and unitive ends of the sexual act and affirms fornication, masturbation, etc.


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