Clarity, Charity and Logic from Cardinal Müller


The anonymous Cardinal Demos, in his recently circulated memo, pointed out the blatant heresy of Cardinal Hollerich and that that blatant heresy has gone without papal correction:

Cardinal Hollerich rejects the Christian teaching on sexuality. The Papacy is silent. This is doubly significant because the Cardinal is explicitly heretical; he does not use code or hints. If the Cardinal were to continue without Roman correction, this would represent another deeper breakdown of discipline, with few (any?) precedents in history. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith must act and speak.

Demos also points out the error of the German bishops and the silence of the Pope on this breach of unity, He expresses how the silence of the Pope is emphasised by contrasting it to his crack down on the Latin Mass.

In the absence of any leadership from Rome, the scattered flock are lost and confused. No doubt, Demos is not the only one who is concerned, hence the international coalition of bishops who have gone public with a fraternal correction of ze Germanz. Since then, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has gone on camera to explain why he is a signatory of the letter. With a pastoral heart, he explains he has been contacted by German Catholics frightened and confused about the abuse they are suffering at the hands of their wayward bishops.

Demos says the CDF "must act and speak", of course we know that the reason it is silent is because it has been successfully defenestrated by Pope Francis who removed Cardinal Gerhard Müller and replaced him with Jesuit (*sigh*) Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer.

Well, thankfully, we have seen this week some much needed clarity, charity and logic from Cardinal Müller. As reported in LifeSiteNews, Cardinal Müller was responding to controversy over an episode of a German kids’ TV program that sparked parental outrage for glorifying “gender transitioning.”

Asked for his take on the controversy, Cardinal Müller spared no words, blasting the promotion of transgenderism as a “serious sin” against children and young people.

“When the self-mutilation of mind, soul, and body is peddled ideologically and politically as an alleged ‘self-determination,’ then that is nothing less than a serious sin against the well-being and salvation of children and young people who are in a process of maturing and finding their identity,” he said. “Hopefully, they have good parents and friends who encourage them to accept themselves as human beings in the manner of men and women.”

“According to the Christian faith, the baptized understand themselves in Jesus Christ as sons and daughters of God, their Creator, Redeemer, and Completer,” he added.

The eminent German prelate explained that a person’s nature as male or female is unchangeable and serves as a precondition for genuine love and the future of humanity.

“Man is born as a man, and not as an animal, plant, or raw material, without anyone asking for his consent beforehand,” he said. “Since male or female sexuality is part of the expression of our individual body, we cannot change it essentially, but either develop within it positively or rebel against it to our detriment.”

“The distinction between man and woman is positive,” he continued, “both for the individual and for the community (also for the succession of generations).” The two sexes are “the precondition for two people to love each other and say to each other: You alone and forever, until death do us part. In this way, they become husband and wife to each other; and then, if God so wills, also father and mother to their common children.”

The LGBT movement fundamentally rejects man’s immutable, God-given nature, Cardinal Müller observed.

Given the way Catholic Schools here in the UK are using Pope Francis' own words to justify pushing LGBTQI+ ideology on Catholic children (see the examples from school communications I have posted here) this is some much needed clarity. Sadly it highlights just how silent the Pope is on issues like this and how much confusion and pain he is causing by his mishandling of the issue. His "pastoral approach" is taken by some as a tacit support and from there every liberty is taken.


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