Simon Green - New Revelations

New revelations came to light yesterday about LGBTQI+ author Simon Green thanks to a concerned member of Twitter.

As previously reported, Green was cancelled from appearing at a book signing at Saint John Fisher School in Purley after concerned parents wrote to the Archdiocese to point out that Green's books are largely comprised of blasphemy and gay porn.

Green threw a fit on Twitter and attempted to rally the gay outrage troops and this worked to a large extent.

The techniques are, by now, familiar. One tactic is compelled speech, which can force you to say something that you believe isn't true to force you to act or speak against your own conscience. Like the Christian doctor who was struck off for referring refusing to use a transgender woman's pronouns or the academics who have been hounded out of their institutions for stating something most people throughout all of human history have believed to be true: that there is a real difference between the sexes. This is something that isn't merely subjective belief, but a scientifically accurate fact. 

The message this sends is that we should not trust our senses or our own reason: it is pure gaslighting and a risky business, particularly for children, because it asks you to acclimatise to repeatedly betraying what you think is right. It makes us vulnerable as individuals and as a society, a society full of people who don't trust themselves is necessarily servile to something. It's an infantilised society of people that need a crutch to lean on and a crutch can be provided by ideology. 

We are seeing the reality of this increasingly as the numbers of people de-transitioning continues to sky-rocket, and they are angry at the obvious betrayal of those in professional positions who went along with their perceived need for transitioning rather than pointing out the truth of their impossibly irrational position.

Orwell dramatized the centrality of this at the end of 1984. When his interrogators are holding up four fingers, Winston Smith must not only say that he sees five fingers he must also believe it. History, reason, the basis of rights the integrity of your own perception these are all pretty fundamental things. 

Today we see these basics continually attacked and the focus appears to always be on children.

Men like Green appear determined to expose young children to adult sexuality. The definition of this activity is grooming. 

And it is becoming increasingly prevelant pushed by the LGBTQI+ lobby:

Now we discover that author Simon James Green has a history of antagonism with the Catholic Church. Was his sexually graphic rewrite of the Lord’s Prayer just misunderstood? Should Catholic schools have to promote his work? Must the Archdiocese of Southwark apologise?

David Kurten, Heritage Party Leader, has now posted a video about this issue: 


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