Producer of new St. Michael film: Weakening devotion to holy angels a ‘demonic strategy’


A new film Saint Michael: Meet the Angel, comes out in UK theatres on September 29th. The producer has told Lifesite that weakening devotion to holy angels a ‘demonic strategy’

"I believe the Faith is being lost because we have lost our devotions. For example, the belief in Purgatory. People actually believe these days that when you die you go to heaven and play with your dogs. That’s why I did the film Love and Mercy: Purgatory to teach people the truth.

Meanwhile, people see so much evil. There’s a growing awareness that what we are seeing is a reflection of the spiritual warfare going on. And that’s what caused me to remember the angels.

I worked with the Rector of the Shrine of St. Michael in Gargano, Italy, to produce this film. The goal is to inspire Catholics to return to the devotion that we had, previously, to the holy angels."

Read more on Lifesite here


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