A Mother's Plea for Her Daughter

This eloquent, heart-felt message was sent to me from a dear friend, and is posted at her request.

Dear Friends,

This is an appeal and an invitation to join together in spiritual warfare against the dreadful evil which is transgender ideology - a demonic infestation which is destroying thousands of young people.

Our times have been marked by terrible evils and attacks against the family, in particular attacks against motherhood and womanhood. We are all familiar with the sad trajectory; the rise of feminism with its demands for sexual 'freedom' for women, easier divorce laws, the accepted use of artificial means of contraception, IVF, and the horror of abortion also up to birth. Thankfully, as we know, many pro-life groups and movements have arisen to combat these attacks both through word, action and prayer. We are all familiar with the hugely successful 40 Days for Life Campaigns and the prayer vigils which have been instrumental in the closure of many abortuaries. Prayer and fasting has achieved much in this field and will continue to do so. Deo gratias!

However, whilst pro-life and anti-abortion prayer campaigns are certainly necessary, there is no 'prayer movement' as such against transgender ideology. To my mind this last is an even greater evil than abortion, because the horrific 'treatments' offered to so-called gender dysphoric youngsters - ranging from cross-gender hormones to full-on mutilating surgery - cause permanent sterilisation. Whilst a woman who submits to abortion may then go on to have other children, with transgender the one decision is final and irreversible - there is no possibility for any remorse or regret to find healing and solace in subsequent motherhood. We are possibly witnessing the systematic destruction of a generation and a colossal dive in already-plummeting birth-rates. We are also seeing the destruction of families from a new direction, as even close-knit Catholic families are torn apart by beloved sons or daughters being swept away by this demonic current. This is the case with our own family, our youngest most-beloved daughter who now hardly talks to us since we cannot call her our 'son'. After some years of being on testosterone treatment, she is now planning to have a double mastectomy so she can find 'relief'.

Our world needs a systematic, effective prayer-campaign against LGBT and the insidiousness of trans ideology. Unfortunately it's not possible to have prayer vigils outside clinics, but Adoration Vigils and Rosaries prayed at the foot of our Eucharistic Lord will be even more effective. Together with a few other mothers, we have set up a small whatsapp prayer-group under the protection of St Michael with the name The Friends of St Michael. These other mothers are not Catholic, yet they have really taken to St Michael who 'casts down to hell satan and all evil spirits' and have every hope that St Michael will demolish the assault of transgender ideology. They have also bonded with Our Lady of Sorrows standing under the foot of the Cross. Mary's acute and profound suffering offers, as it were, common ground for every grieving mother - especially in traumatic situations such as ours. The image of Mary witnessing her Son's horrific death, not only elicits our empathy and the desire to console her, but also offers us the solace, courage and understanding only She can give us; something that has even drawn some of them to pray the Rosary! I would therefore like to suggest we place this campaign under the patronage of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Mother and of St Michael.

Naturally the primary 'weapon' is the Rosary. Rosary and Adoration, Mass and Holy Communion. These are the Big Four! Added to these, the St Michael prayer of course, and the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows. I also pray regularly the Chaplet of the Holy Face, the Litany of the Precious Blood, the Litany of the Saints... Also, do please enlist the help of any favourite 'go-to' saints, such as Sts Monica and Augustine (of course!), St. Joseph, St Philomena, St Anthony, St Padre Pio etc etc - whoever you are most devoted to, the more the merrier! And since the Lord instructs us that "this kind can come out only through prayer and fasting" (Mk 9:29), so perhaps once in a while a Day of Fasting and Prayer against the spirit of transgender would be highly effective, I'm sure.

Do please feel free to spread the word and enlist as many prayer-warriors as possible to this cause. Christus vincit!

Finally, may I ask that you specifically keep our daughter in prayer.

Thanking you all from the bottom of my heart,

May Our Lady of Sorrows guide us and St Michael lead us in battle,


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