Synodal Dumpster Fire

Incredulity at the diabolical Synod process grows.

Odious sycophantic Cardinal Grech spouts banalities.

What "spirit" is he referring to because it doesn't seem to be the Holy Spirit! Is he seriously suggesting that the "fruit of the council" is to change the faith? I just can't believe Mario Grech - the notorious bully & abuse cover up artist from the tiny island of Gozo (where I usually holiday with my family) is now in charge of the tautologous utter disaster that is the synod on synodality. But at least shining a light on this moron shows the world how thick he is, and I'm not the only person who is noticing!

Despite the obviousness of Grech's sophistry: Papal tailgaters wax lyrical about "dialogue" & "inclusion". One has to wonder if they are deliberately misleading people or they are just so thick themselves they can't see how thick Grech is?

And the Vatican posts pictures attacking literally everything Catholic. This, apparently, is "dialogue".

It's like the Vatican is in full self-destruct mode. Pope Francis has been made head of an organisation he appears to hate. The Vatican under Francis is anti-clarity, anti-facts, anti-doctrine schizophrenic mess and it is good to hear other Catholics from another country agree with all these conclusions.

Arroyo nails it!

This synodal process cannot be an authentic version of the “sensus fidelium,” when the participation rate in many regions has been around or even below 1% of local Catholics, and has often lacked demographic and viewpoint diversity. More importantly an authentically synodal process cannot lead to the contradiction of perennial Church teaching, but must be coherent with the faith.

The synthesis is replete with pre-ordained mantras - the result speaks to the plan in place before the questions were even asked.

Discernment and dialogue can't change truth. But things happen at synods which are unpredictable. 

Grech's odium is revealed in technicolour: he pits doctrine against God's ongoing encounter with man. His comments are astonishing from a Cardinal: the Church teaches based on Scripture but Grech's comments imply a time-conditioned attitude to what is and isn't God's word...His comments simply diminish Scripture. The man is an idiot. This process is at best a complete waste of time and at worst a total disaster.


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