Catholics & Protestants Should Be Leading People To Jesus

This is a great discussion from Trent Horn who puts together a really good argument which could be a better explanation of Pope Francis' condemnation of "proselytising". Because the pope's explanation is virtually impossible to understand if you ask me:

"These so-called “evangelicals” preach prosperity. They promise a Gospel that does not know poverty, but simply seeks to make proselytes. This is exactly what Jesus condemns in the Pharisees of his time. I’ve said it many times: proselytism is not Christian."

By contrast, Trent uses the idea from CS Lewis that an Atheist will get more from a well written science book written by a Christian  than a book by the same person on Christian apologetics which they will dismiss without reading.

Developing the theme further, he explains how we need to build a bridge of love in order for the truth to heard. If we are all focused on love and therefore knowing and loving Jesus and sharing our love of Him and what we know of Him, that is far more valuable and effective than any adversarial approach which is rooted in attempts to discredit someone else's position, especially when they believe that what they are doing is leading them to Jesus.

This is my own approach. I recognise the real positive influence of my Protestant friends on my and I am grateful that they are happy to tolerate me and welcome me into their community. My desire is to share Christ with them and I sincerley want them to experience the fullness of faith. But I recognise I get lots of good things, help and encouragement from their honest faith as well.


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