Archbishop Charles Chaput weighs the cost of Pope Francis decade of making a mess

Archbishop Charles Chaput's reputation and his exclusion from becoming a cardinal despite his important role as Archbishop of Philadelphia are discussed. The connection between Archbishop Chaput and The Pillar, an independent Catholic news outlet, is explored. The confusion caused by the Vatican document Fiducia Supplicans and the Pope's response to criticism are highlighted. The importance of clarity, consistency, and speaking the truth in love is emphasized. The urgent challenge of anthropology and the crisis of fatherhood and male Christian spiritual leadership are addressed. The chapter concludes with a call to prayer for the Church and the Pope.


  1. Thank you. I would only disagree that in saying to young people “Hagan lio!” In 2013, thus encouraging them to create chaos, the Pope’s words were the harbinger of his intention for the Catholic Church, and the absolute confusion and loss of nobility that have resulted, , I believe, were not ‘surely unintended’ by the Pope’. On the contrary!


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