Gay blessings and theological porn: why leading cardinals are distancing themselves from Pope Francis

 Just before Christmas, the Vatican’s new doctrinal chief Cardinal Victor ‘Tucho’ Fernandez unveiled a new style of blessing designed to make gay couples feel at home in church without changing the Church’s teaching on marriage. The Argentinian Tucho has for years been Pope Francis’s protégé – but for how much longer? The new gay blessings, supposedly blessing the couple but not their union, have been decisively rejected by all the Catholic bishops of Africa, forcing Francis to backtrack and say they could ignore Fernandez’s decree. Then, last week, it was revealed that in 1998 Tucho published a book on, of all things, the theology of orgasms. It is jaw-droppingly graphic, has been widely described as ‘creepy’, and has encouraged leading cardinals hoping to succeed Francis to distance themselves from this pontificate.

Listen to this episode of Holy Smoke if you want to know about the new crisis tearing apart the Catholic Church – but be warned: the erotic musings of the future Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith are not suitable for children.

Listen to the podcast here:


  1. Hello! I am from Argentina

    I have information from some friends in the city of La Plata (former archdiocese of Fernandez) about the promotion of Bishop Victor to Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: it was Bergoglio's help more than anything to save him from the humiliation of "being a bishop who had to close a seminary"; the San José de La Plata seminary, in other times a seminary full of seminarians (mostly boys from outside La Plata, escaping the progressivism of their dioceses of origin), however after the arrival of Fernandez it declined so much in number of members as well as the quality of formation (in addition to other dioceses stopping sending their seminarians to study there). The seminary turned 100 years ago recently, and it was difficult to close on its 101st anniversary due to the minimum number of members as well as the financial inability of the Archdiocese to maintain such a large and old building.
    Fernandez was saved from that stain on his ecclesiastical career history (what Pope would promote a bishop who closes a seminary due to lack of vocations?), however, he will last very short in Rome with a new pontiff (which seems to be soon). Since he is not liked by either conservatives or progressives, he will be ostracized in some diocese that wants to have the dubious honor of being "the diocese of the cardinal who authorized officially blessing homosexuals."

    Kyrie eleison.


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