I'm Not Sorry.

The world is changing so we must find a way to reach an accommodation with the world. This seems to be the message I see pouring forth from my computer screen since the SCOTUS decision in America about Same Sex "Marriage". I feel deflated and suddenly very old at the way in which society seems to be moving in a direction I just do not understand, no matter how hard I try. This is a good example. It is an honest attempt to employ a different tone when approaching homosexuality, a tone which presents authentic teaching whilst demonstrating love rather than condemnation. The author believes that, as a Church, have failed to be true witnesses of life, chastity, marriage, love, and especially the Gospel. Thus, we have failed to help the world and we need to acknowledge our communal sins, repent, and do better. He believes that God can do something great in our humility. He can take our sins and, like Peter, make us into a nation of saints and evangelists, who do somethin...