Andy Burnham- A "Prominent" Catholic?

The Catholic Herald draws attention to Andy Burnham's cultural catholicism in this article . It seems, as long as the Church doesn't have any opinions on anything, it's fine by Burnham. The Catholic Herald reports him as making the following comments: “I find that quite difficult because if I think of the Church of my youth, and the priests that I knew, the feeling and overriding mood was quite forgiving really, quite humane, humorous, irreverent, [!!!] even the priests. [The whole point of the Church is as a vehicle for Christ's mercy; think of the parable of the Good Samaritan; the Church administers the Sacraments (pouring on oil and wine) until the master returns]. “That’s my memory of the Church that I grew up with. And it seemed at some point with the change of popes to click into a more judgmental mode and became much more obsessed with sexuality and issues related to sexual behaviour. And in that period, I drifted more and more away and Ratzinger ...