The Gender Agenda

The recent new Government guidelines which labelled the transgender movement as a dangerous political ideology which children need to be protected from was a great victory for common sense, but the battle is a long way from won and the government have made concessions on other fronts in order to make this assertion. It is important that parents are aware of the dangers associated with this pernicious ideology and inform themselves of where it comes from and what it is about.

This is why I highly recommend you purchase this film from Arcadia who make films for EWTN all the time and take the time to watch it a couple of times. It is extremely well researched and stacked full of important information that explains why this battle is so important for all of us!

You need to own this film so you can refer to it again and again. It exposes the agenda that is pushing forward in politics today, undermining faith and society.

A WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING 2: THE GENDER AGENDA from City of Light Studios on Vimeo.


  1. I strongly recommend reading Cynical Theories by Helen Pluckrose and James Lyndsay.
    It shows the history of theses ideas and why they are wrong.
    These are the people behind the sobel squared hoax so really understand this nonsense

  2. Another excellent book is 'When Harry became Sally' by Dr. Ryan T. Anderson.
    It is erudite yet very readable and rewarding. You'll probably have to buy it online as I'm sure none of the main bookshops here in the UK will sell anything that's against LGBT group-think.
    Also, if you like G.K. Chesterton may I recommend 'The Flying Inn'? Its funny and deliciously non-PC but uncomfortably prescient somehow.


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