...the existential consequences of assuming Cartesian doubt, the method of modern philosophy, to its last consequences.
US Catholic Bishops Give $50k to Abortion Advocates
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It is a sign of the times that we simply can no longer trust Catholic bishops to be Catholic any more. This is obviously a problem when we, collectively, give them literally millions of pounds/dollars/euros every year and we trust them to spend it on corporal works of mercy.
We should be able to trust them but we can't, as has been demonstrated time and time again. Thank God for intelligent, diligent and committed Catholics like Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute. They do the work so we don't have to and that is work that really needs to be done judging by the content of his latest expose on how the US bishops spend the money US Catholics provide them with.
Every time Michael exposes something like this, the US Bishops go into damage limitation mode, assuring us that they can be trusted, but they appear to be like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke: every time they plug one hole, a couple more spring open.
For any of us following the state of the Church, or with experience working in the Church, this is all too familiar and, unfortunately, it does appear to be universal.
The thing bishops conferences fear the most is faithful Catholics, especially educated faithful Catholics who might question their decisions. This culture of suspicion and fear has been developing over the last few decades and it is something I have experienced first hand. And it shouldn't be like that. We should all be on the same side.
We're not though are we, and Michael's expose above demonstrates that beautifully. I can back it up with some evidence from this side of the pond that shows that rather than engage faithful Catholics, bishops continually back spurious causes and questionable leaders that end up diluting the mission and purpose of the Church's charitable activities. The largest UK organisation is CAFOD which had an income of £45 million in 20/21. CAFOD's director is a lady called Christine Allen. Christine is not a Catholic and, as I have posted before, has previously expressed opinions which are in direct opposition to Catholic teaching. For example, in 2002, Progressio, the charity Allen led at the time, endorsed the use of condoms in HIV prevention. Four years later, in an article for Chartist magazine, Allen criticised Catholic teaching on contraception, which she said “simply doesn’t stack up when it comes to HIV”. The contest between supporters and opponents of Church teaching, Allen, said, was fundamental: “The battle between these factions is about the very nature of church.”. Has she changed her mind? I would like to know, because she is the director of £45million worth of Catholics money! Do we seriously believe she is not pushing her previously articulated position through the organisation she now leads?
Another example? How about the Edinburgh Jesuit Centre. They have a series of talks planned over the next few weeks featuring prominent Catholics who have positions which challenge Catholic teaching:
In a strange re-writing of the Protestant maxim "what would Jesus do" which seems to have a clear and obvious direction of travel. Selecting a range of progressive topics, the talks ask "what would Pope Francis do". This is a microcosm for this papacy (and you could extrapolate, for the whole of the history of the Church since the Second Vatican Council). Not what Pope Francis says (although that's problematic enough) these jokers are going to tell you what they think he would say. Do we think for a second the speakers are going to go with the Magisterium or with radical progressive positions which contradict Church teaching?
So why do you think this is happening? Who put this together do you think? It doesn't take much imagination to guess that they have personal struggles and sympathies with certain agendas.
About five years ago, I was offered a position as senior commercial manager at Westminster Cathedral. The position was withdrawn a couple of days before I was due to start because someone had found an internet comment I had made criticising Cardinal Nichol's decision to hold "gay masses" at Soho. Apparently, the cardinal was personally involved. I'm honoured!
A priest commented to me that the problem with my appointment was that I was a committed Catholic. "If you were Hindu or Buddhist no one would bother you but if you are a Catholic you might spill the beans on what really goes on behind the scenes".
One can only imagine what really goes on behind the scenes, but given reports like this one, it doesn't take much imagination to guess. It certainly makes clear the kind of individual the bishops prefer to empoy.
This morning on BBC TV Sunday Morning Live there was a good debate inspired by Melinda Gates (who identifies as Catholic) comments about the pope potentially changing doctrine on contraception. The Catholic contributors were Fr Paddy McCafferty, Clare Short and Obianuju Ekeocha. I think they did really well. Uju's direction is very interesting and easily wrong foots those who want to impose western ideas of morality on Africans in an imperialistic way. Interesting that the presenter agrees with her on this. Fr Paddy gave a great account of his experience as a priest. He was compassionate, realistic and honest, while upholding the value and importance of the doctrine. Clare said she had experience of both ways and the Catholic way is better by far. I thought that was awesome! I especially liked her focus on equality and bringing the responsibility of both husband & wife into the discussion. Watch out for the bit where the other lady says "Pope Francis has ind...
Catholic Bishops of England and Wales announced yesterday that Pope Francis had appointed Msgr James Curry, Parish Priest at Our Lady of Victories, Kensington, a salubrious parish in West London, as Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster Archdiocese and Titular Bishop of Ramsbiria (Ramsbiriensis). This news will come to no surprise to anyone paying attention to Church politics in the United Kingdom. Msgr Jim, as he is known, has been long considered a favoured member of the “Magic Circle”, a self-selecting small pool of like-minded “insiders” who come through lines of patronage that can be traced back to one man. Archbishop Derek Worlock , the progressive former Archbishop of Liverpool and mentor to the current Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols . What is perhaps more of a shock is that it has taken so long to arrange his promotion, occurring as it does, at the end of Cardinal Nichol’s tenure as Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster – Nichols was 75 in 2020. It almost seems l...
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