Dying Liverpool Abandons Everything

 Is it total desperation born out of the present death spiral that has led Liverpool Archdiocese to do this?

Even if you don't believe in the teaching of the Bible or Christian Tradition, even if you are not offended by the blasphemy of a crucifix twisted to represent a false, modern anthropology which mirrors the fall by affirming man's subjective truth over God's revelation, even if you disregard all of that, this is intellectually and anthropologically unsound. It wasn't very long ago we, as Catholics, would not use the alphabet acronym because it affords a false anthropology which puts sexual appetite at the centre of being. Just this simple teaching is pedagogical on its own. How far have we fallen?

Perhaps Archbishop McMahon should have showed up to Bishop Barron's UK visit or at least read his latest intervention on radical inclusion - he might have rediscovered what the Church actually teaches!

In a diocese where only 10% of baptised Catholics, or just 55,000, now attend weekly Sunday Mass, they are mostly over 55 years of age and the problems of vocations to the priesthood & religious mirror what's happening with the laity, clergy seem to have skipped the Synod on Synodality and even the Anglican muddle and just gone full apostate.

We know that this sort of false and misleading teaching (not to mention the utter blasphemy of the cross in the first iimage from the Archdiocese) is fully approved of by the dim Dominican Archbishop in charge of Liverpool - Malcolm McMahon.

Now McMahon has been put in charge of investigating Hexham & Newcastle Diocese following the resignation of Robert Byrne. There are lurid allegations circulating about the goings on in the North East. The Tablet reports:

Reports are circulating of a sex party in clergy premises and a drag queen performing inside the cathedral during lockdown.

Questions have been raised over the presence in the diocese of Fr Tim Gardner OP, who in 2014 was convicted of making and possessing indecent images of children.

Archbishop McMahon says he wishes to “ascertain facts” and the “considered views” of local priests and people “rather than hearsay and speculation”.

We know McMahon has consistently pushed a homosexual agenda within the Church. Can he be trusted to investigate something like this? On another blog, it is claimed that McMahon knew McCoy in Hexham & Newcastle quite well:

What we know is that we can't trust McMahon to be honest about Church teaching on this issue. He is clearly compromised and that is a desperate shame for same sex attracted men and women in his Archdiocese. It is a shame because they will not have the option of hearing the authentic teaching of the Church: that they are welcome, that they are valued, that they have infinite dignity, but that they are not their sexuality. They are so much more than that and Christ calls them to be so much more than that.

How many will turn up to this? Meanwhile, with the Archdiocese tweeting this, how many will feel challenged or let down? How many will feel that the Church's position, rather than being explained, is being abandoned?

Dioceses deluding themselves if they think this is somehow about outreach.

Consider Catholic schools where we have a captive audience of non-practising Catholic pupils as well as a powerful connection to their parents, yet it seems we cannot persuade any of these people back to The Faith. In addition, they are now struggling to find practising Catholic teachers to do the outreach. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the whole thing is simply a vanity project for the bishops; all about prestige and image with no fire for outreach or evangelisation, no passion for sharing the Gospel. In truth, closing Catholic schools, which offer extremely poor value for money, would be seen as a huge blow to The Church's prestige and image, but would make more sense, focusing our resources into proper Catholic Academies for those who really care about authentic Catholic education. Here is a diocesan focus for outreach and evangelisation about which we hear nothing!

Bishops and clergy do virtually nothing for any number of groups of Catholics.  I know plenty of single Catholics who are over 35 and no longer qualify as Youth and are cut adrift. Bishops and clergy have been throwing resources and money at Youth for decades and the outcome and benefits to The Church have been a consistantly diminishing return. 

Of course, with far fewer Catholics at Mass, the money is running out. Liverpool is complete basketcase and in another 25 years will virtually cease to exist. The only decent thing to happen in the Diocese since Worlock passed away in 1996, is the arrival of The FSSP.


  1. Catholic schools are the sacred cow which may never be slaughtered. They look less and less Catholic but are more and more celebrated. 🤷‍♂️

  2. Your last sentence says it all!


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