Catholic School in Salford Promotes Child Grooming


We all know how bad John Arnold is as bishop of Salford. Endlessly focused on the environment, promoting ideologies at odds with Catholic teaching, closing down parishes & destroying Catholic communities in his diocese and chairman over a gradual secularisation of CAFOD.

It is little wonder then to find a school in his diocese which has a Twitter basically dedicated to promoting dangerous transgender ideology.

One of the books being promoted here is “Welcome to St Hell: My Trans Teen Misadventure.” A book that encourages body shame, hatred and anxiety. 

From Mumsnet on this book we can glean what non-Catholic parents think about this book:

After a wave of criticism, the first tweet (above) was deleted by the school, the second remains however (I've taken screenshots because of the likelihood of them being deleted).

One immediately has to wonder why any school calling itself Catholic would be promoting a political ideology at odds with science and reason, let alone Catholic teaching? The evidence is that this trend results in the sexualisation of our children, misleading them into sexualising platonic relationships and introducing false ideas about gender at a time when young children are particularly vulnerable to trends and fads and, especially young girls, may be struggling with puberty and suffering from poor self image. This ideology is toxic and in any other time would have been labelled what it truly is - child grooming!

The Head Teacher of the school, Ben Davis, responded to criticism, also on Twitter:

Ben has been Head Teacher of St. Ambrose Barlow since 2015, plenty of time to really succeed at leadership. So how is he doing?


Things have been going wrong for a while: 

Although, before Ben took over, the school was doing considerably better!

So what's going on here? How is a failing Head allowed to continue at a Catholic school for nearly 8 years and promote anti-Catholic ideas? Where are the board of governors? What on earth is bishop Arnold doing about this?

Ben clearly needs some remedial training. There is plenty of material out there. He might start with the basics. There are two sexes Ben.

In 2019 the Vatican published a teaching document aimed at Catholic educators to make the ethos crystal clear.

Pope Francis has directly addressed this as well calling gender ideology “one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations” today.

In an interview with journalist Elisabetta Piqué for the Argentine daily newspaper La Nación, Pope Francis explained the reasoning behind his strong statement.

“Gender ideology, today, is one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations,” Francis said in the interview published on the evening of March 10.

“Why is it dangerous? Because it blurs differences and the value of men and women,” he added.

“All humanity is the tension of differences. It is to grow through the tension of differences. The question of gender is diluting the differences and making the world the same, all dull, all alike, and that is contrary to the human vocation.”

There is a lot more to consider than just these problems high lighted by the pope, not least the permanent damage being done to children by this dangerous false anthropology.

Speaking to the National Catholic Educational Association of the USA, Pope John Paul II said:

"But no Catholic school can be effective without dedicated Catholic teachers, convinced of the great ideal of Catholic education. The Church needs men and women who are intent on teaching by word and example – intent on helping to permeate the whole educational milieu with the spirit of Christ. This is a great vocation, and the Lord himself will reward all who serve in it as educators in the cause of the word of God.

In order that the Catholic school and the Catholic teachers may truly make their irreplaceable contribution to the Church and to the world, the goal of Catholic education itself must be crystal clear. Beloved sons and daughters of the Catholic Church, brothers and sisters in the faith: Catholic education is above all a question of communicating Christ, of helping to form Christ in the lives of others."

Perhaps the Head Teacher of St. Ambrose Barlow, Mr. Ben Davis, is so desperate at this stage to improve his OFSTED results he is trying to adopt the Trans message as a kind of educational virtue signalling. He certainly does not understand love in a theological context or an educational context if he thinks it means just giving in to whatever madness children decide they want next.



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